Mental Health Champions
Mental Health Champions are employees within your organisation who, alongside their usual roles, raise awareness of mental health and mental illness in various creative ways.
This is a long-term programme that will be embedded into your organisation.
As well as training your Champions, we can work with you to help you decide what you want your Champions to do and how you will set up and maintain their support network.
Who is it for?
For new and existing Mental Health Champions
How long is the session?
3.5 hours including short breaks.
What will I learn?
Delivered through a range of activities and case studies, the modules covered are:
- What is a Champion?
- Your wellbeing
- What is mental health?
- What is mental illness?
- Support conversations
- Stigma and discrimination
- Action planning
How do I book?
Contact our training team by emailing training@rethink.org or by calling 0333 222 5878.