Accounts, funding and impact

Rethink Mental Illness is the charity for people severely affected by mental illness. We provide expert information and services and campaign to improve the lives of people living with mental illness, their families, friends and carers.

"I am pleased to present our annual report, highlighting the significant strides Rethink Mental Illness made in 2023/24 to support people severely affected by mental illness.

In 2023/24, we focused on increasing the quality and supply of housing for people living with severe mental illness. Our partnership with New Philanthropy Capital provided valuable insights into the challenges of accessing supported housing. We aligned our operations with the new health and social care landscape across England, securing funding to sustain our community mental health transformation activities. 

I am immensely proud of our staff, volunteers, members, campaigners, and valued donors. Their efforts have increased the support we have been able to provide and further our mission to bring about systemic change, both locally and nationally. Our services helped 4,000 more people this year than last; and our new impact framework, based on the Communities that Care model, shows us that 83% of our service users felt our support improved their quality of life, with 93% rating our services as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’."

- Kathryn Tyson, Chair of Trustees.


Our year in numbers: 2023/24

During this period, we directly helped 24,000 people through our network of services and hundreds more through our peer support groups. Our website saw 5 million visitors, while our social media audience grew to 825,000 followers.

For the first time in my life, I feel safe.

Rethink Mental Illness supported housing resident

Annual report and accounts

Find out more about our work in 2023/24, pleases see our annual report and accounts.
Read our report and accounts Read our report and accounts

How we raised our money

Despite financial pressures in the health and social care system, we continued to grow our income from charitable activities, increasing by 7% to £40.4m (2023: £37.5m). We continue to expand our relationships with Integrated Care Boards, supporting them to develop their community mental health transformation plans, co-producing and delivering new models of care.

Thanks to the support of our generous donors and partners, our income from donations and legacies increased by 22% in the year to £3.4m (2023: £2.8m), enabling us to grow our impact for our beneficiaries through campaigns, support groups and our information service.


This report was subject to formal adoption at our AGM on 22 November 2024.

None of this would have been possible without the enthusiasm and generosity of our supporters, staff, and volunteers. Thank you to everyone who helped us change so many lives.