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- Advice and information
- Living with mental illness
- Medications
- Medication - Choice and managing problems
Medication - Choice and managing problems
This page explains how to deal with problems with mental health medication. It is for people who are 18+ and affected by mental illness in England.
- Your doctor may offer you medication to help with mental health symptoms.
- Medication may not be the only treatment available to you.
- Talking therapies, self-help, alternative therapies, and other things can also be useful.
- You might have to try different medications before you find the one that works for you.
- Your doctor should tell you how to take your medication including the benefits and risks.
- You may get side effects from your medication. Many will wear off over time.
- Your doctor can help you find the balance between treating your symptoms and managing side effects.
- You can talk to your doctor or a pharmacist if you have a problem with your medication.
- You should speak to your doctor before stopping medication.
Key terms
‘Controlled drugs’
In this information we use the term ‘controlled drugs.’
Controlled drugs have additional legal controls as they carry a higher risk of being misused or causing harm.
Controlled drugs include some benzodiazepines and some pain killers.
You can read a list of the most common controlled drugs by clicking here.
In this information, when we use the word ‘doctor’ we mean your GP or psychiatrist.
Your doctor can offer you medication to help with your mental health symptoms.
You can take medication by mouth as a tablet or liquid.
You can also get medication as an injection. This is called a ‘depot’. This is pronounced “dehpoh”. A depot is a slow-release medication that stays in your system for weeks. Depot injections can help if you forget to take your medication.
There are lots of different mental health medications. Your doctor will offer you ones based on things like your symptoms, and diagnosis. See the next section for more information.
For more information see our webpages on the following:
Your doctor uses different information to decide which medication to offer you. This includes how much medication you should take. They might look at:
- guidance produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE),
- any side effects linked to the medication,
- any medication that helped you before,
- your physical health,
- if you smoke, drink alcohol, or take recreational drugs,
- the effect it might have when taken with other medication, or
- if you want to take a particular medication.
Your doctor should:
- explain to you all your medication options, so you can make the right choice, and
- not pressure you to take a drug or treatment.
You do not have to agree with the decisions your doctor makes. They should check your understanding and listen to your concerns.
For example, your doctor should:
- explain why they recommend a medication,
- talk to you about other treatments options, like talking therapy, and
- explain you have the right to have no treatment.
See our webpage on Talking therapies for more information.
Your doctor must make sure:
- your care is their first concern, and
- provide a good standard of practice and care.
To make sure they do this, your doctor should:
- explain the benefits and risks of taking a medication,
- tell you why they are recommending a medication,
- tell you what the side effects are,
- give you an idea of the time span of treatment, and
- review your medication, adjusting it if needed.
You may get side effects from your medication. Your doctor should give you an overview of what these might be. We talk about side effects in more detail in the following sections.
What is a patient information leaflet?
You will also get an information leaflet in your medication box called a patient information leaflet. This will give information on things like dosage, common side effects, and special warnings.
You can get a copy of the leaflet for your medication online.
You can do this by visiting this website Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Be sure to search for exactly the right type of medication. There might be several different types of the same medication. Look at your medication box for the right type.
What other information should my doctor give me?
Your doctor should give you information to help you make a decision about your care. This information should include:
- Your diagnosis, if you have one
- Your options for treating or managing the condition
- The treatment involved and the desired outcome
- The risks or side effects related to this treatment
Your doctor should:
- make sure you understand the information they have given you,
- listen to you and allow you to ask questions, and
- ask if you have any questions and answer these honestly.
You have the right to clear, accurate and up-to-date information from your doctor about medication choices. They should tell you about the potential benefits and risks of each option, including the option to take no action.
You can book an appointment with your doctor to talk about your medication. You can write a list of your questions before your appointment. Please see the bottom of this page headed 'Checklist' for more information.
You have the right to:
- ask your doctor questions, and
- choose your medication based on what you think is right for you.
Can my doctor keep information from me?
Your doctor does not have to give you information if they think it could cause you serious harm.
Serious harm means more than just a risk of you refusing treatment.
It is unusual for doctors to keep information from you for this reason. If your doctor does keep information from you, they should explain why in your medical notes.
Medications can vary in how long they take before they start to work.
Like, antidepressants usually take 1 to 2 weeks before you start to notice improvements in your symptoms. But it can take several weeks to experience the full benefits.
You should talk to your doctor if think your medication is not working. Continue taking your medication until you talk to your doctor.
Your doctor can advise you on things like increasing the dose or changing the medication.
There might be urgent reasons why you need to stop your medication. If you do stop, urgently tell your doctor, including the reasons. They can advise you on next the steps.
- When you take medication, you might get side effects.
- These can sometimes be unpleasant. Your doctor should always tell you the common side effects.
- Side effects can go away after a few weeks or months of taking medication. Some side effects might last longer.
- It is important that you find the right balance between medication that helps your symptoms and has the least side effects.
- If you feel the side effects are very bad, talk to your doctor. They might change your dose or suggest a different medication.
- Your doctor may also be able to give you other drugs to help with side effects.
- You can use a scale like the Glasgow antipsychotic side effects scale to monitor your side effects.
What is the Glasgow antipsychotic side effects scale?
The Glasgow antipsychotic side effects scale (GASS) is a questionnaire you can do by yourself.
There are 22 questions about different side effects. You can take this to your doctor to help you decide how to manage the side effects.
You can download it here.
What about sexual side effects?
Some medications like antidepressants can cause side effects like problems reaching orgasm or getting an erection.
You might find sexual side effects embarrassing to talk about. But doctors are used to talking to patients about these types of problems. They can advise you on the best way forward.
What about if I am getting weight gain?
Some medication like antipsychotics can make you feel hungry and you might put on weight.
You can try to:
- eat a healthy, balanced diet with high fibre, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates,
- stay away from or limit sugary drinks and snacks,
- fit exercise into your routine in a way that you enjoy it, and
- make sure you have a proper sleeping pattern.
You can get more information from the NHS about eating well here.
Your doctor can give you advice on how to stay healthy.
NICE guidance says that people with psychosis and schizophrenia should have a physical health check every year. NICE stands for The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
For more information see our webpages on the following:
- Physical activity and mental health
- Severe mental illness and physical health checks
- How can I improve my sleep?
How can I report bad side effects?
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is an agency in the United Kingdom. It is their job to make sure medicines, and medical devices, work and are safe.
The MHRA runs the Yellow Card system. You can use the system to report bad side effects.
You can report bad side effects online here.
You can also report by phone on 0800 731 6789.
But adverse incidents involving medical devices cannot be reported by phone. Please report online or by email to
You can find out more about the Yellow Card system here.
If you have questions about your medication, you can make an appointment with your doctor.
You can prepare for your appointment by making a list of questions and any concerns you have.
You can take someone to the appointment with you for support. This could be a carer, friend, relative or advocate. We have given some suggestions of questions you could ask in the factsheet that is available to download at the top of this page.
See our webpage on Advocacy for mental health - Making your voice heard for more information.
What can I do if I disagree with my doctor?
If you disagree with your doctor about your medication, you can:
- Talk to them about why you disagree and what you prefer instead.
- Find out why the doctor has made their decision and if they will change their mind. If they will not change their decision, ask why.
- Write to your doctor explaining why you disagree and what you would like instead.
- If necessary, explain that the GMC and NICE say they should listen to your concerns. The GMC stands for the General Medical Council. NICE stands for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
- Try to get a second opinion. A second opinion is when another doctor gives you an opinion about your diagnosis or treatment. You are not legally entitled to a second opinion. But they might allow you one. It can be helpful if there are questions or problems with your treatment.
- If you feel your relationship with your doctor is not working or if you are still not happy, you can make a complaint.
For more information see our webpages on the following:- Second opinions - About your mental health diagnosis or treatment
- Complaining about the NHS and social services
What can I do if my doctor treats me unfairly or badly?
If you think your doctor’s behaviour is unprofessional you can report them to the General Medical Council (GMC). The GMC is their governing body.
Unprofessional behaviour might be things like committing a crime, making serious mistakes or lying. The GMC cannot solve a disagreement you may have about your medication.
You might have suffered harm because the medication your doctor gave you was not right. You might be able to take legal action for clinical negligence. Your doctor might have given you the wrong medication which had a bad effect on you.
For more information see our webpages on the following:
You cannot be forced to take medication, unless you are detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act. Being detained under the Mental Health Act is sometimes known as being ‘sectioned.’
To make decisions about treatment you should be:
- able to make the decision without being pressured by family, friends, or health professionals, and
- given information to understand the treatment including the benefits, risks, other treatment and what happens if you stop taking it.
Can I be forced to go hospital if I refuse medication?
You might worry that your doctor will make you go to hospital if you do not you take the medication they offer you.
Your doctor should not threaten to detain you in hospital under the Mental Health Act to make you agree to treatment.
You should only be detained under the Mental Health Act if there are no other ways to keep you, or others, safe.
See our webpage on Mental Health Act 1983 for more information.
Can I refuse medication if I am in hospital under the Mental Health Act?
If you are detained in hospital under the Mental Health Act, you can refuse medication. But doctors can sometimes give you medication even if you do not agree to it.
Your doctor should still ask if you will accept treatment before they give it to you.
Your doctor should ask you questions and look at your medical notes so that you get the right medication.
What is an independent mental health advocate?
You can usually get an independent mental health advocate (IMHA) when you are in hospital under the Mental Health Act.An IMHA can give you advice and support and help you in meetings with your doctor.
Your friends and family should also be able to go to meetings with you if you want them involved with your care.
For more information see our webpages on the following:
If you are running out of your usual medication you should speak to your GP or NHS mental health team. They should be able to arrange a prescription for you.
You might be able to get free prescriptions, depending on your circumstances. You can find out more here.
Electronic prescriptions
Most prescriptions are sent electronically direct to a pharmacy from the GP surgery. You can choose which pharmacy the prescription is sent to.
Paper prescriptions
Sometimes a GP surgery will issue a paper prescription. You can take the paper prescription to any pharmacy.
What if my GP surgery is closed or I cannot contact them?
You might urgently need your normal medication, and:
- your GP surgery might be closed, or
- you might be having difficulties contacting them.
You can use:
- the community pharmacy consultation service (CPCS), or
- the NHS 111 online emergency prescription service
How do I use the community pharmacy consultation service (CPCS)?
The CPCS can help you get an urgent supply of a regular medicine, and they take referrals from NHS 111.To get an urgent repeat prescription from the CPCS call NHS 111 to begin with.
Explain the situation. Be sure to say you want to arrange repeat medication through the community pharmacy consultation service.
NHS 111 can then contact the pharmacy that you want to collect the medication from. NHS 111 can tell you what you need to do next. You should then be able to collect your medication from the pharmacy.
Pharmacies do not usually issue controlled drugs under this service.
How do I use the NHS 111 online emergency prescription service?
If you get your medication with a repeat prescription, you can use the NHS 111 online emergency prescription service.Go to the following link to use the service.
You can read more about the service here.
Delivery services
You can contact your local pharmacy to see if they can deliver your medication.
There are also services that can post out repeat prescriptions free of charge. You can search for these online or ask your GP surgery for their recommendations.
Can someone collection my prescription on my behalf?
Someone can pick up a prescription for you. But only if you have given them consent to get it.
The GP surgery or pharmacy might contact you to check you agree that the person can collect it.
You will need to give the person your name, address, and date of birth. They may be asked to sign the back of the prescription form.
If you get free NHS prescriptions, or have a pre-payment certificate, they may have to show proof of this.
What about controlled drugs?
If the person is collecting controlled drugs for you, the pharmacist may ask them to show proof of their identity.They may be asked to complete and sign the back of the prescription form for controlled drugs.
You can find out more about controlled medicines here.
What if I am leaving the country?
If you are going abroad your doctor can prescribe up to 3 months' worth of medication.
You must make sure any medication you take into a country fits with local laws.
You may need to register with a local doctor to get medicine overseas. But some may be available from a pharmacist.
- You should talk to your doctor if you want to stop taking medication.
- You might get withdrawal effects when you stop taking medication. This can often happen if you have been taking the medication for a long time.
- Your doctor should tell you the best and safest way to stop taking your medication.
- Your doctor might tell you to gradually lower the dose of your medication over a few weeks or months.
- If you get serious side effects tell your doctor as soon as possible.
- You can also get advice from a pharmacist about the best way to stop taking your medication.
- It is best to not suddenly stop taking medication without getting advice from your doctor or a pharmacist. This could lead to issues, such as bad withdrawal effects.
The mental health charity Mind have useful information on ‘What if I want to stop taking my medication?’
It is important to talk to your doctor before you stop taking medication.
But there might be urgent reasons why you need to stop your medication. If you do stop, urgently tell your doctor, including the reasons. They can advise you on the next steps.
This is because stopping medications suddenly can be very dangerous. It can also cause withdrawal symptoms that make you feel unwell or make you behave differently.Talking to your doctor after stopping your medication
Your doctor can advise and help you if you have stopped your medication. They help you manage any withdrawal symptoms.
Before you contact your doctor, you might find it helpful to think about or write down:
- your reasons for stopping,
- any questions that you want to ask, and
- any other information you think they should know.
This can help you to be prepared when you talk to them, so you can get the most out of your time with them.
- Your doctor should not judge you for your decision to stop taking your medication.
- They have a responsibility to help and support you.
- They must do so even if they have advised you not to stop the medication.
- They must respect your decision even if they disagree with it.
- They may advise you that going back on the medication is the best choice for you.
They may suggest that you reduce the dose bit by bit over a few months, instead of stopping suddenly. This is so that withdrawal effects are reduced while stopping the medication.
Your doctor may suggest other treatments that you could try instead. This might be a different medication, a talking therapy, or other treatment, or self-help resources.
How can I explain my decision to family and friends?
It is up to you to decide if you want to tell your friends and family you have stopped taking your medication.
But it might help if you get withdrawal symptoms or a relapse. This may help them to understand why you feel unwell or are acting differently.
You might find that family and friends disagree with your reasons for stopping your medication. They may even have strong opinions about what you should do. You can consider their opinions but remember that the choice is yours.
How can I organise my medication?
If you have to take different medications, you could use a medication box. They are sometimes known as a dosette box.
They are a plastic box with small compartments that clearly show which pills need to be taken and at what time of day.
You can ask your pharmacist about medication boxes, or search for one online.
Medication boxes are not suitable for all types of medication. They are sometimes available for free on the NHS.
What is a medicines use review?
You can go to your pharmacist for a medicines use review (MUR).
This is a free service.
You can speak to a pharmacist about all the medications you are taking. They can explain what your medications are for. They can also tell you about any potential side effects.
What kind of questions could I ask my doctor?
- What is my diagnosis? Can you explain it to me?
- What are my medication options?
- How does the medication work?
- Why did you choose this medication?
- What is the usual dose of this medication?
- What time of day should I take my medication?
- What symptoms should this medication help?
- Are there any treatments apart from medication?
- What are the side effects? Will they be short-term or long-term?
- What are the chances of getting side effects such as weight gain or sexual side effects?
- Are there any other medications that I could try instead if I wanted to?
- How long will it take to work?
- How long will I have to take it for?
- Can I get a repeat prescription?
- What should I do if it doesn’t work?
- What should I do if I get bad side-effects?
- Who will review my medication and how often?
- Can I drink when taking this medication?
- Can I smoke when taking this medication?
- Will the medication affect any other drugs or herbal remedies I am taking?
- Can I drive while taking this medication?
- What will happen if I suddenly stop taking the medication?
Electronic Medicines Compendium UK
The EMC has information about medications. for your medication you can look up the:
- Patient information Leaflet (PIL), and
- Summary of product characteristics (Healthcare professionals SmPCs)
Yellow Card Scheme
You can report suspected side effects to medicines, vaccines, e-cigarettes, medical device incidents, defective or fake products to the scheme. This is so to help them make them make and effective.You can report on the website or by:
Phone: 0800 731 6789. Adverse incidents involving medical devices cannot be reported by phone. Please report online or by email to
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