2020 Resources and Reports
Managing a healthy weight in secure services
Every Recovery and Outcomes Group has an engaging agenda that includes presentations by people living in services together with staff, and interactive discussions to maximise participation and involvement in key agenda items. In September/October 2019, for example, groups were invited to feedback on the draft ‘Managing a Healthy Weight’ Guidance, developed by the NHS England Adult Secure Clinical Reference Group. Please find the final feedback collated in our Managing a Healthy Weight in Secure Services report (March 2020).
Mental Health Policy Group: 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review
This submission to Comprehensive Spending Review sets out the priorities of Rethink Mental Illness and members of the Mental Health Policy Group. It covers several areas, notably capital investment in mental health services and in the social care and community services people severely affected by mental illness need.
National Clinical Audit of Psychosis (NCAP) Lay Report for the Early Intervention in Psychosis Audit 2019-20
NCAP, commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership on behalf of NHS England and the Welsh government, compares EIP services against 8 standards of care. This report highlights how across England in 2019-20, some standards of care have seen improvement while others have become worse. However, in terms of physical health screenings, EIP is ahead of many other services. Please note, this audit and its recommendations were developed and completed before the Covid-19 outbreak and in partnership with the Royal College of Psychiatrists (September 2020).
Covid-19 briefings: Support in the community - social care, carers and peer support
This briefing is about the different types of support people living with mental illness - outside of clinical support - are receiving or are struggling to access during the pandemic. This comes in the form of support from statutory services, loved ones and peer support. Our survey of over 1,400 people found that it is carers who have picked up the additional burden that the pandemic has created, and highlights the importance of social care and peer support for people severely affected by mental illness during this time (June 2020).
Covid-19 briefings: Severe mental illness and Covid 19 - Service support and digital solutions
This briefing shares the insights that Rethink Mental Illness has gleaned on service support and digital solutions during the pandemic. Some of these insights are based on online research we have conducted with service users, which we have plans to continue, as well as information we have gleaned from our services (June 2020).
Covid-19 briefings: The impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the physical health of people living with severe mental illness
This briefing looks at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the physical health of people living with severe mental illness (SMI), based on the findings of our survey of 1,434 people. The briefing highlights key findings from our survey and outlines our concerns about the implications of lockdown restrictions on people with severe mental illness, who already die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population. As lockdown eases it is vital that statutory bodies including NHS England, Government and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector prioritise addressing the physical health of people severely affected by mental illness (June 2020).
Covid-19 briefings: Access to NHS mental health services for people living with severe mental illness
Our new report on access to NHS mental health services for people severely affected by mental illness shows how people living with pre-existing mental illnesses have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. Our survey of over 1,400 people reveals how the changes in access to mental health services have impacted those who most rely on it. We outline some of the biggest problems people are facing – from not being able to access vital medication, to the challenges of receiving remote support, or worse – no support at all. Click the title to read this short report and the changes we want to see (June 2020).
More than a number: experiences of weight management among people with severe mental illness
People living with severe mental illness have a higher prevalence of obesity than the general population. This report captures the voices of people with severe mental illness in relation to weight management and provides health care professionals, Clinical Commissioning Groups and providers with opportunities to improve care and support (April 2020).
A time to quit: experiences of smoking cessation support among people with severe mental illness
This report introduces covers the key themes and evidence around the needs of people with severe mental illness in relation to smoking cessation. It focuses on some of the challenges and provides a starting point for those looking to provide more effective smoking cessation support to people with severe mental illness (April 2020).
In sight and in mind: making good on the promise of mental health rehabilitation
This report is the result of a collaboration between Rethink Mental Illness and the Royal College of Psychiatrists and its Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry. It sets out the vital importance of mental health rehabilitation services and calls on policy-makers and providers to commit to end inappropriate out-of-area rehabilitation placements (February 2020).