Virtual Running Challenges

Challenge yourself to run, jog or walk lots of distances while looking after your well being.

About the event

We’ve teamed up with runclusive to offer you a new way to raise vital funds for Rethink Mental Illness, which are more important now than ever during these challenging times. runclusive virtual events are a great way to fundraise, and are the closest thing to the experience of a ‘real’ event.

Every runclusive event you finish earns you points, which you can exchange for exclusive rewards, including free event entries and merchandise.

As well as licensed events, runclusive offers city-themed virtual events, based around leading landmarks. Each city has its own series, with a special medal on offer once you’ve completed the 5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon for a city. As an added bonus, you earn double reward points whenever you run an event in the city itself. So this is a great way of experiencing the thrill of running or walking somewhere new that we’ve all been missing. All while supporting people living with mental illness!

You can find the runclusive FAQ's here.

Date: From now!
Location: Anywhere
Cost: Dependent on event £5-20
Target: Whatever you can raise will help us to support more people!

Who are Rethink Mental Illness?

We’re Rethink Mental Illness and we’re on a mission to bring about meaningful change, through our services, groups and groundbreaking campaigns. We know, from our vast experience, that people severely affected by mental illness can have a good quality of life. With your support, we will make that possible.

How will your money support us?

Every penny you raise for us will help empower those severely affected by mental illness. Through our network of support groups, services and helplines, last year we reached: 

You can find out more about our work by visiting our vision and impact page

How we'll support you

  •  Hit £75 fundraised and we will send you a Rethink Mental Illness running vest
  • Other incentives for hitting your main target
  • Tips and advice on your running
  • Support on your fundraising journey

Sign up now

Join us and runclusive to make a difference.