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Access Community Mental Health (Wiltshire)

Community Support


Monday - Sunday :
9am - 11pm

The Rethink Access Community Mental Health Wiltshire Service is closing as of the 31st March 2025.

• From 1 April 2025, some community mental health services in B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) will be provided by a new voluntary sector partnership called the Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnership (Alabaré, Missing Link, Nilaari, Second Step). This replaces the Rethink Access Community Mental Health Wiltshire Service that Rethink provides.

• Guided by principles of equity, accessibility and coproduction, we are collaborating with providers across the system to ensure service continuity through this transition phase.

• Together we will work to provide integrated care and the best possible outcomes for people across BSW. Importantly, the new partnership will focus on closing the gap between primary and secondary care and helping vulnerable people find the support they need.

• To find out more please, read the slidedeck.

• For more information, please email info.accessCMH@second-step.co.uk and info.intensiveoutreach@second-step.co.uk