Rethink Carer Support: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Open to: Carers
We are run by carers, with carers, for carers of adults with mental health problems.
Our aims are to:
• Support and inform each other – through monthly groups, a phone line, informal advocacy and financial help – so that we know we are not alone
• Help each other develop the knowledge skills and confidence to do the best we can for our loved one with mental health problems
• Provide information about training, helpful local agencies and rights
• Work with carers to strengthen their voice as experts by experience so that the limited resources available to mental health and social care are put to the best possible use
• Engage constructively with NHS and local authority commissioners and the NHS Provider Trust Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT), to improve services – injecting where necessary a sense of urgency and an element of challenge
Notice Board
Rethink Carer Support Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Leafet
Rethink Carer Support Leaflet Rethink Carer Support Leaflet
Winter 2024 Newletter
Newsletter Winter 24 Newsletter Winter 24