Coronavirus: Helpful online resources


In addition to the information we provide, public bodies such as Public Health England, and charities across the mental health sector have created helpful resources to support and protect people’s mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here's our top picks: 

Mental Health UK Partnership:

Mental Health UK
Managing your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

Mental Health and Money Advice Service
Mental health and money advice during the COVID-19 outbreak

Hafal (Wales)
Coping with the coronavirus outbreak

MindWise (Northern Ireland)
Coronavirus & Mental Health

Support in Mind (Scotland)
Covid-19 Support



Public bodies and non-profit organisations

NHS England
Every Mind Matters – worried about coronavirus

Public Health England
COVID-19: guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing

Royal College of Psychiatrists
Responding to Covid-19 (support for patients & carers and support for clinicians)

We are Undefeatable
Ways to get moving during Covid-19

Mental Health & Smoking Partnership
'Quit for Covid' campaign

Step Up: Universities
Coping during Covid-19: A Guide to Students, From Students

Equally Well
Looking after your health during the Covid-19 outbreak


UK Charities

Anxiety UK
Coronanxiety support & resources

Bipolar UK
Key links to help you during the covid-19 pandemic

Centre for Mental Health
Coronavirus: an update from Centre for Mental Health

Hearing Voices Network
Covid 19: Surviving Lockdown with Voices & Visions

Mental Health Foundation
How to look after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus and your mental health

NSUN – National Survivor User Network
Covid-19: NSUN Covid Life

Support during coronavirus

SAMH (Scotland)
Coronavirus mental health information hub

Coronavirus and mental health

If you are a charity or a public body providing free online resources to support people’s mental health in the Covid-19 pandemic and you would like us to signpost your information please email: