Our response to today's Budget announcements on mental health
09 October 2018
Brian Dow, deputy CEO at Rethink Mental Illness, said:
“The government’s commitment to securing parity between mental and physical health is welcome, but a report last week by the think tank IPPR, supported by Rethink Mental Illness, for the first time put the actual price tag of parity at an extra £4.1bn by 2023. That’s double what was announced today.
"Realistically, years of chronic underfunding means we need a more ambitious increase that focuses on delivering core services, which many people who are severely affected by mental illness rely on day to day. The reality is that at the moment, those who are most unwell are waiting the longest and receiving the worst care, and that’s what now needs to be addressed.”
For more information contact the Rethink Mental Illness media team on 0207 840 3138 or media@rethink.org