Rethink Mental Illness reaction to Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report

31 March 2021

Today, 31 March 2021, The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities released its report looking at racial inequality in education, employment, crime and policing, and health in the UK.

Brian Dow, Deputy CEO of Rethink Mental Illness responded:

"The Commission’s report is a missed opportunity to address the valid concerns of people from ethnic minorities on the impact of racism and inequality. Some of the report’s conclusions, for example the disproportionate rate at which Black men are detained under the Mental Health Act, are at odds with the evidence it presents. While we welcome the inclusion of mental health in the report, it is not the milestone which heralds the sea change in approach that we need. As a charity that is committed to becoming an anti-racist organisation, we know that the most important first step in that journey is listening to people who have experienced racism. The reaction and distress we have seen today in response to the report should give both the Commission and the government pause to think again about their conclusions.”  

Click here to read the full report on the website.