We put the experiences of people living with mental illness at the heart of everything we do. From campaigning and policy work to developing new services and groups, we understand the value that experts by experience can bring when delivering our goal of equity for all.

Rethink is committed to ensuring that people with lived experience of mental health issues and carers work together with professionals as equal partners in a way that is meaningful and effective from the outset. We work across the UK to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience are heard and influence our work.

At Rethink we support people in a variety of lived experience roles, these are some of our current vacancies.

Norfolk and Waveney

You may have heard about a new approach to supporting people affected by mental illness in the community, so people have the right support at the right time. Rethink are now recruiting Experts by Experience to work with us and be part of the Transformation of Community Mental Health Services.

The purpose of the role is to represent lived experience in discussions and be involved in decisions about how mental health support can be best offered to meet people’s needs. The goal is personalised and holistic support that improves the experience and quality of treatment and support for service users, carers and families.

To find out more please contact:

Lisa Morrell, Coproduction Practice Manager
Tel: 0777 169 5612 Email: Lisa.Morrell@Rethink.org

North West London

To join a lived experience reference group working with commissioners of mental health services (community and crisis) across eight boroughs in the North West London Integrated Care System. Need to live in one of these boroughs:

Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster.

We also have opportunities to be involved with the North West London Suicide Prevention programme.

To find out more, please contact:

Sam Holmes, Head of Co-Production and Involvement
Email: Samantha.holmes@rethink.org