About our advice service

Since 1992, our advice and information service has been there for people affected by mental illness. Our team give practical advice on a wide range of topics. From diagnosis and treatment to mental health laws and carers’ rights - our team is here to support you.
  • The Rethink Mental Illness Advice Service provides a trusted resource for information on mental illness, mental health laws, and guidance for carers.
  • We give advice to people with a diagnosis or symptoms of mental illness who live in England and are 18 or over. We also advise their carers, loved ones, or professionals working with them.
  • We are a trusted information creator and accredited by the Patient Information Forum (PIF). See this 46 second video for why this is important.
  • We are a small team. When we are fully staffed, we are made up of 5 Advisors, a Volunteer Coordinator, a Team Leader, an Information Lead, a Service Manager, and Volunteers. 
  • Our team includes individuals with first hand experience of mental illness, offering insight and understanding.
  • Our service is free, impartial, confidential, evidence-based, equality-based and non-discriminatory, non-judgemental, and empathetic.