Misconceptions people living with schizophrenia still hear

For National Schizophrenia Awareness Day (25 July), we asked people living with schizophrenia to share the misconceptions they sadly still hear about their condition.

Here are the shocking replies. Names have been changed for anonymity. 

People still think schizophrenia is a split personality disorder. They think we are a danger to others and ourselves even when managed with medication.


The misconception I find most objectionable and pervasive though, is the idea that if someone has it they will never get better or lead a full and fulfilling life.


People hear that word and they freeze. You can see it written in their faces - dangerous.


That we can't hold down a job or that we shouldn't have children


People I’ve known for ages still think I have multiple personalities. One person told me he was scared of me just because I mentioned I have schizophrenia.


That you can’t live a ‘normal’ or rewarding life. That if you are schizophrenic you can’t be any more than your illness.


Learn the truth about schizophrenia

1 in 100 people will experience schizophrenia. Despite being so common, there is still a lack of understanding about the condition.

Living with schizophrenia