The truth about schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness affecting the way you think, feel and behave. It’s a severe condition, but one that can be managed.

If you were to believe portrayals in film and media however, you’d understandably think schizophrenia is something stopping people from living a fulfilled life.  

It’s important we learn the truth about schizophrenia. 

Schizophrenia does not mean ‘split personality’

The name ‘schizophrenia’ comes from two Greek words meaning 'split' and 'mind', which might explain why people think it means ‘split personality’. 

But it’s just not true.  

Everyone’s experience of schizophrenia is different. Some people might develop hallucinations, like hearing voices or seeing things that other people don’t see. 

Other people will experience delusions like the belief they’re being followed or that everyone is out to get them. 

It’s crucial we stop spreading the myth and understand what the actual symptoms of schizophrenia are

A fulfilled life with schizophrenia is possible

Many people living with schizophrenia lead meaningful and fulfilled lives. 

Any severe illness can of course affect daily life but, with the right care and support, schizophrenia doesn’t have to stop you playing an active role in society.

It is possible to hold down a job, be in long-lasting relationships, have children, enjoy hobbies. And we hear from people living with schizophrenia how they’re fed up with people thinking otherwise.

  • I’ve been married 20 years. I’ve got two grown-up stepchildren and two teenage daughters. My story demonstrates that you can still live a fulfilling, happy life despite schizophrenia.

    Paul Paul

There are treatments for schizophrenia

Recovery means different things to different people. We talk about it in terms of a clinical recovery and a personal recovery. 

Some people living with schizophrenia:

  • Go on to be symptom free
  • Improve a great deal with ongoing treatment
  • Improve with treatment but need ongoing support

This is why accessing the right treatment and support is important. And medical professionals will work with people to find that, whether it’s:

  • Early intervention
  • Talking therapies
  • Medication

Learn more about the methods of treatment and care for schizophrenia.

People living with schizophrenia are more likely to be harmed by other people than harm others

People who live with schizophrenia aren’t usually dangerous. In fact, they are far more likely to be harmed by other people than harm others.

Sometimes people who live with schizophrenia do commit violent crimes. But, in many cases, we learn the person was neglected by the mental health system and the crimes might have been prevented with the right care and support.

  • I heard an acquaintance say people with mental health challenges were dangerous and prone to kill people. His comment put me off telling him about my schizophrenia diagnosis.

    Ashley Ashley

We must remember that people who don’t live with schizophrenia also commit violent crimes.

So, it’s not fair to say that schizophrenia equals dangerous. And such views have a huge impact on people living with the condition.

Learn all about schizophrenia on our information pages.

The myths of schizophrenia

We asked people living with schizophrenia to share the misconceptions they sadly still hear about their condition.

Living with schizophrenia