We are witnessing a crisis in children and young people’s mental health
According to the NHS, one in five children and young people in England aged eight to 25 had a probable mental health problem in 2023.
But with demand increasing and waiting lists growing, almost half of young people who need help for their mental health in England are not receiving it. If this trend continues, we could see absenteeism in schools continue to rise in as well as incidents of self-harm and suicide.
Towards a Cohesive Whole: Why we need a long-term vision for children and young people’s mental health services
To not let the next generation down, this country needs to look at the bigger picture. In our 'Towards a Cohesive Whole' report, we explore a whole system community car approach by breaking down the following treatment gaps:
- Young people stuck on waiting lists: Children and young people who wait for long periods to get support from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
- The missing middle: Children and young people who do not meet the eligibility threshold for CAMHS but whose needs are too complex for school-based support or early access hubs.
- Young people who disengage during the transition to adult’s services: young people who discontinue their care against clinical advice during or soon after their transition to adult mental health services.
Real life experience is key
To improve mental health services, involving those with experience of using them. Tina Emery OBE, an expert by experience at Rethink Mental Illness, discusses the importance of co-production.
Real stories
Supporting young people
Help support 14-18 year olds with their mental health and life’s transitions using tools and knowledge from our partner charity Mental Health UK.