Reform of Mental Health Act celebrated by campaigners

17 July 2024

The Mental Health Bill, designed to reform the Mental Health Act, was included in the King's Speech today.   

Mark Winstanley, Chief Executive of Rethink Mental Illness said:

“The importance of this Mental Health Bill cannot be overstated. This isn’t just a niche policy; it aims to reform the outdated Mental Health Act, a crucial piece of legislation which allows for people to be detained, often against their will, with the aim of keeping people safe, but which too often strips individuals of dignity and choice in their treatment. The law needs to be more effective, and we hope this reform will also trigger broader changes in a sector that is struggling to meet increasing demand.
“Today’s announcement marks a significant milestone in the long campaign for change led by people experiencing mental illness, their families, and charities like ours. We are pleased that the government has prioritised this reform in their first King's Speech. We understand that people will be experiencing mixed emotions today: relief that reform of the Act is finally in sight, frustration at how long it has taken to reach this point, and hope and worry about when improved treatment will become a reality.
“We look forward to collaborating with the government and other stakeholders on reforming the Act. We hope this process will follow a swift but carefully considered path into legislation, implementation, and positive change for people living with mental illness."

“In tandem, we welcome the announcement of increased mental health support in schools. We know in recent years more children and young people are experiencing mental health issues and that the majority of adults who live with mental illness first developed symptoms as young adults. We need to deliver first-class care and treatment when people are in crisis. But it is crucial that support is also moved upstream to prevent mental ill-health and ensure that people who develop symptoms of mental illness can live full lives.”