Our response to sharp rise in suicides

30 August 2024

The Office for National Statistics has published the annual suicide statistics for 2023, showing a worrying rise.

Mark Winstanley, Chief Executive for Rethink Mental Illness, said:

“The fact that the suicide rate is at its highest in 25 years is a stark indicator of the nation’s mental health crisis. These figures represent real people and their stories, serving as heart-breaking reminders of the challenges we face. Suicide is a complex issue with many causes, but these statistics clearly reveal the severe distress many are experiencing. Risk factors such as financial insecurity and difficulty accessing life-saving support must be addressed by the government. However, we all have a role in supporting each other through difficult times. The significant rise in suicides among men, who make up three-quarters of all cases, highlights a serious inequality that demands further research and urgent action. Our research shows that long waits for treatment are pushing people into crisis and leading to more suicide attempts. This reinforces the need for increased funding for mental health services, so people can receive support as soon as their mental health begins to deteriorate. We must always remember that suicide is preventable if we address the underlying causes of mental distress and ensure that everyone can access the support they need when they need it. Anyone concerned about their mental health should visit their GP, call NHS 111 for more urgent support, or call 999 or visit A&E in an emergency.”