NHS England has been abolished: What this means for mental health


The Prime Minister has announced that NHS England has been abolished. But what does that mean for mental health provision across the country?

NHS England is the management body which leads the NHS in England. Despite some understandable confusion, the abolishment of NHS does not mean the end of the NHS.

But it does mark a seismic shift in how our health service is run. The move will bring the NHS in England under direct government control.

This means there should be a clear obligation at the highest levels of government to demonstrate how it will make mental health a priority.

We think priorities for the reformed system must include: 

  • Bringing down lengthy waits for treatment. 
  • Equivalent share of spending for mental and physical health. 
  • Putting mental health front and centre of the NHS Ten Year Plan.

There may be a new system, but our mission remains the same. We will never stop fighting for the rights of people severely affected by mental illness.