Contacting the advice service
From January 2025 we are going to have a reduced team for a time, which will affect our service for a while. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. We will update this page when we have more details.
Looking for advice? The most common topics people contact us about are:
- I am having problems getting the NHS or social services to listen to me. What can I do?
- How can I make a complaint about the NHS or social services?
- What are my rights when I use the NHS?
- How can I start to get NHS help for my mental health?
- When can the Mental Health Act be used to detain me in hospital? What are my rights?
- How can I cope with suicidal thoughts?
- How can I get help for someone in a mental health crisis?
We also give advice on:
- Mental health system
- Access to mental health care
- Social care
- Mental health medications
- Other mental health treatments
- Carers rights
- Mental health conditions
- Complaints and advocacy
- Medical records and confidentiality
- The Mental Health Act
- The Mental Capacity Act
- Mental illness and the Equality Act
- Work, studying, and mental health
- Welfare benefits
We give advice to people with a diagnosis or symptoms of mental illness who live in England and are 18 or over. We also advise their carers, loved ones, or professionals working with them.
Some of the things we cannot give advice on is debt, ordinary housing, immigration, family disputes, civil legal procedures, childhood mental health, dementia, learning disabilities, brain injury, or autistic spectrum disorders. We do not give support on things like casework, emotional support, or counselling, crisis support, or form filling, such as PIP applications.
You can find our our accessible advice options by clicking here
Visit our web pages
Our website has all you need to know about the mental health related topics above. With over 120 pages to choose from, it is the best place to find the advice and information you are looking for.
Read our advice pages Read our advice pages -
If you cannot find what you are looking for on our advice pages, you can click the blue chat icon at the bottom right of the screen. This is to access our webchat service. You can get support from an advisor. Webchat hours are currently subject to change. If webchat is closed, the icon at the bottom right of the screen will not be available for you to click.
Visit our pages Visit our pages -
Freephone 0808 801 0525
Our advice and information helpline is normally open from 9.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. Our advisers provide practical advice and information on the mental health topics shown above. We are happy to receive Relay UK calls, and we have a translation service called Language line. From January 2025 we are going to have a reduced team for a time. This means our opening hours might be affected for a while. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Call us Call us -
Write to us
We give advice and information by letter. You can write to us at Rethink Advice and Information Service, 28 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7GR. We aim to post our reply within 5 working days of receipt of your letter. Please remember to include your return address. It helps us to advise you if you include your date of birth and postcode. Or the date of birth and postcode of the person you want advice about.
See our advice pages See our advice pages
Do you want urgent help for your mental health? Click the ‘Get help now’ button below to find help and organisations that can provide the right support.