New parents, pregnancy, and mental health

 Perinatal mental health

It’s normal to have periods of worry and stress when you are pregnant. But some women have feelings that do not go away. This can be a sign of something more serious. If you are a new parent, you might get ups and downs after the birth of your baby.

You can access all of Rethink Mental Illness’ advice and information pages on our website here.


This page links to advice and information on new parents, pregnancy, and mental health from the pregnancy charity Tommy's. Their information explains how to stay mentally well during pregnancy and in the postnatal period.

You can click on the following links for Tommy’s information on these subjects:

How can I get help and support from Tommy’s?

Tommy’s can support you through every stage of your pregnancy. They can do this from conception, to after the birth of your baby, no matter what your experiences have been.

To find out more about how Tommy’s can support you click here.

Last updated October 2023
Next update October 2024
Version number 1

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