2022 Resources and Reports
Our position on Community Treatment Orders (CTOs)
We call for the immediate reform of Community Treatment Orders based on recommendations from the Independent Review and an eventual end to their use. We understand that CTOs in some cases have provided a good alternative to detention in hospital, however, there are also many people who tell us that the threat of returning to hospital left them feeling fearful and hampered their recovery.
Mental Health Policy Group: Manifesto for a new Prime Minister
As the UK will shortly have a new Prime Minister, the Mental Health Policy Group has developed a manifesto, setting out five areas that the next Prime Minister must address in order to improve the lives of people with mental health problems and improve the mental health of the nation. By addressing these areas, the new Prime Minister will lead the way towards mental health equality and bring us closer to the ambition of a fair deal for mental health.
Briefing: Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP)
EIP services are multidisciplinary community mental health services that provides treatment and support to people experiencing or at high risk of developing psychosis. This support typically continues for three years. EIP services offer a range of interventions which fall under the umbrella of seven key components according to NICE recommended interventions for adults with psychosis.
This collaborative project with the Nuffield Council on Bioethics engaged people with lived experience of mental health services through a series of scoped discussions, which aimed to explore key issues, questions, and challenges of using emerging digital technologies in mental health services.
“We’re just numbers to them” – The DWP’s failure to investigate death and serious harm
This report is based on evidence from people seriously harmed by the benefit system and shows that that the government’s approach to investigating death and serious harm is highly secretive and not fit for purpose. It is based on the responses from our survey in 2021 about people’s experience of the benefits system and includes real-life stories from people whom we spoke to and outlines six recommendations for the DWP to take urgent action to prevent serious harm and deaths (March 2022).