2024 Resources and Reports


Towards a Cohesive Whole: A long term vision for children and young people's mental health services

We are witnessing a mental health crisis among children and young people in England. The government’s existing pledges around children and young people’s mental health show that it recognises the seriousness of the youth mental health crisis. This report sets out how the government can build on these commitments and the progress made in recent years to close the treatment gap and keep more children and young people out of hospital.   

Suicide Prevention Briefing

In 2022, there were 5,642 suicides registered in England and Wales (10.7 deaths per 100,000 people), and this rate has been largely consistent since 2012. This briefing shows bold action must now be taken to reduce these rates. 

Right Treatment, Right Time: How delays in accessing care and treatment are pushing people into crisis

When someone’s mental health starts to decline, acting quickly is crucial. The right treatment at the right time can mean the difference between recovery and crisis. For many living with mental illness, getting timely treatment and support is their biggest worry. As this report shows, delays in treatment can prove critical and cost lives.

Service User Perspectives: Evaluating experiences at Rethink Mental Illness

Over the last year, Rethink Mental Illness has transformed the way that we engage with people we support. We launched our Service User Experience Survey in to get feedback on our services right across England to help ensure we are providing what people living with mental illness need. The results were fascinating and instrumental in steering our efforts towards improvement and influencing the quality and outcomes of our services.

The Long Journey Home: Understanding and improving the supported housing system for people living with mental illness

Supported housing is crucial in ensuring that people living with a mental illness have a safe, stable and affordable place to call home. But too many people have poor experiences during, before and following a stay in supported housing – and that is if they’re able to access this support in the first place. This report, delivered in partnership with New Philanthropy Capital, helps us better understand these challenges, and to begin to identify solutions.