Email template: Request a meeting with your Prospective Parliamentary Candidate


Meeting your prospective parliamentary candidate ahead of the 4 July general election is a great opportunity to ask them to prioritise mental health if they are elected as your MP. 

Once you've identified who your candidates are using, copy and paste the below letter template to forward to them. 


Subject line: Meeting to discuss mental health before election

Dear [insert name]

My name is [your name], I live in [insert your town]. As my Prospective Parliamentary Candidate. I would like to meet with you ahead of the general election to ask that you prioritise mental health during this general election campaign and if you are elected as my MP.

Mental health is extremely important to me because…[If you have lived experience of mental illness and if you feel comfortable doing so, briefly mention it here. You can expand on your experience if you meet with your election candidate]

Though we talk about mental health now more than ever, too many people are still being failed by a system that is not able to meet demand. Over 1.2 million people continue to wait to receive mental health treatment and we now know that mental health problems cost the UK at least £118bn each year. 

I would really like to discuss this with you in person or online [delete as appropriate]. Would you be available on [insert a date that you are free]? If you receive similar requests from other constituents, I would be happy to join them in the same meeting if that is more convenient for you? 

I know you ‘re very busy, so even 20 minutes of your time before 4 July would be appreciated. Please let me know which date you’re available.  

Best wishes,

[Your name and post code]