
08 2022

  • "Find what works for you" - Living with EUPD: Rose's story

    Rose had a difficult journey before being diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) at 22 years old. Here's her story.

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  • "The shame was overwhelming" - TJ's story

    Having had to suppress her emotions as a child, TJ was detained under the Mental Health Act by her parents. She tells her story of living with a number of different diagnoses.

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  • 'A psychological cup of coffee': your thoughts on antidepressants

    We asked a number of people who experience depression whether they felt anti-depressants had helped them or not. Here's what they had to say...

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  • A day in the life of an advocate

    Shaniqua works as an Independent Mental Health Advocate for Rethink Mental Illness. In this blog, she explains what she does on an average day and how she can support people living with severe mental illness.

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  • Mental Health Manifesto for a new Prime Minister

    Since the initial commitment to parity of esteem (the need to value mental health equally to physical health) a decade ago, there is no doubt that we have seen significant progress in mental health policy. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent cost of living crisis has put unprecedented pressures on the mental health of the nation, requiring an urgent response.

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