
07 2024

  • “I’ve seen the massive positives of using my lived experience”

    We are celebrating Co-production Week this week (1 July), hosted by the Social Care Institute for Excellence. Zoe, from the Rethink Mental Illness co-production team shares why co-production is so vital to the work we do.

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  • “I am more than my bipolar disorder” – Vhea’s story

    After experiencing a manic episode, Vhea was sectioned and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. With support from her family and friends, she now works as a mental health nurse, hopeful for the future.

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  • “OCD felt like my protector” – Kiran’s story

    Kiran has lived with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) since childhood. She debunks misconceptions of the illness, drawing attention to compulsions, perceived threats and avoidant behaviour.

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