Rethink Sahayak Asian Mental Health Helpline
Advice and helplines
Our Sahayak Asianline telephone helpline offers a culturally sensitive listening and information service for the Asian community in Kent and West Sussex.
The service is for anyone affected by mental health issues - whether they are service users, carers or friends and people affected by domestic abuse.
Callers may speak to us in Asian languages (Gujarati, Punjabi, Hindu, and Urdu) or English.
When you call the helpline you can expect to be listened to, treated with dignity and respect, given emotional support and signposted to useful sources of information.
Calls to our number are free and will not show up on your bill.
The service is totally confidential, you do not need to divulge your name or any personal data. In rare cases if you, or someone you tell us about, need urgent emergency help we will try to obtain enough information from you to pass on to emergency services.