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100 Results found

  • Bristol Carer Service

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 12/03/2025

    Often the person you are supporting is a family member such as a partner, wife, husband, son, daughter or a friend. Whether or not you think you are a ‘carer’, support is available. We help over 200 people a year across Bristol who are looking for advice, support or information.

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  • Carer support

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 07/01/2025

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  • Rethink Companions Carer service

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 20/06/2023

    Companions Carers support offers one to one advice and signposting on all carers issues and the opportunity to attend the “Caring and coping” course that covers the following areas; • Wellbeing for carers • Carers rights • Carers assessment/benefits • Carers breaks.

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  • Dudley Carer Support

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 20/06/2023

    Working across the borough of Dudley providing peer support groups, carer-led groups, additional support and a chance to share information and coping strategies. Providing practical and emotional support. Helping carers cope with all aspects of their caring role. Information available on all topics related to mental illness

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  • Oxford Carers Support Service

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 20/06/2023

    Oxford Carers Support believes that carers have an invaluable role in helping people recover from mental illness and that they should be acknowledged, valued and supported. We place people who use our services at the centre of everything we do. We provide high quality services and welcome feedback from service users to constantly develop and improve them. We are a highly experienced team of senior mental health recovery workers, working across Oxfordshire, specialising in supporting carers of people living with a mental illness. We work closely with Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership, signposting and referring to services and providing a carers course within the Oxfordshire Recovery College. The service provides specialist training sessions to unpaid carers throughout the year including: - Caring and coping Mental health first aid (adult and youth)

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  • Dorset Carers Support

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 20/06/2023

    Dorset Carers Support offers advice, information and peer support for people who look after someone living with mental illness throughout the Dorset Council area. We provide one to one and group support on a wide range of topics including, specialist emotional support, targeted 1:1 support to identify and achieve personal goals, navigating the mental health system, information on conditions, medications, as well as carers rights. Our service also offers group activities and outings so that our attendees can meet other carers in their local area. In addition to this we manage a carer respite fund providing respite for carers in order to improve wellbeing. We also provide specialist training to support unpaid carers of someone with a mental illness. Our service is open to people based in Dorset except for residents who live in Bournemouth and Poole who can contact CRISP (

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  • Respite care - Breaks for carers

    Advice and information |1 min read |Last updated: 27/12/2024

    Respite means that you have a break from caring. This section explains what respite options may be available to you as a carer. This information is for carers of adults affected by mental illness in England. It’s also for anyone else interested in the subject.

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  • Rethink Carer Support: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 05/02/2025

    We are run by carers, with carers, for carers of adults with mental health problems. Our aims are to: • Support and inform each other – through monthly groups, a phone line, informal advocacy and financial help – so that we know we are not alone • Help each other develop the knowledge skills and confidence to do the best we can for our loved one with mental health problems • Provide information about training, helpful local agencies and rights • Work with carers to strengthen their voice as experts by experience so that the limited resources available to mental health and social care are put to the best possible use • Engage constructively with NHS and local authority commissioners and the NHS Provider Trust Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT), to improve services – injecting where necessary a sense of urgency and an element of challenge

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  • Site Settings

    Last updated: 11/02/2025

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  • Gillingham and Shaftesbury Carers Support Group

    Services and Groups |Last updated: 05/03/2025

    We are a small, well-established voluntary peer support group whose members are carers of people with lived experience of mental illness. We are reaching out to new members to come and join us to help the group grow and expand, as we know firsthand how valuable this support can be. We offer a friendly and safe place where we can share experiences and signpost each other to resources. We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 10am until 12pm. On the 2nd week of the month, we meet in Gillingham at Gillingham Community Church, Wessex House, 8 High Street, Dorset, SP8 4AG. Then on the 4th week of the month, we meet in Shaftesbury at Father’s House, Christy’s Lane, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8PH. Please feel free to call us for a chat for further information. The best way to contact us is via our email: You might also be interested in Rethink Dorset Carers Support Service who provide one to one and group support on a wide range of topics, including specialist emotional support, targeted 1:1 support to identify and achieve personal goals, navigating the mental health system, information on conditions, medications, as well as carers rights. For more information email

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