Salisbury Rethink Carers Support Group

Open to: Carers


Not presently meeting.

Group Coordinator: N/A

May 2024:
Do you support or care for a partner, child, family member or friend with a mental illness and want to talk to someone in a similar situation? It may be that you’re feeling a little isolated and seeking some support and respite for yourself.

Whatever it is, our voluntary led peer support groups may be able to help. They offer a safe, confidential, friendly, and welcoming space, where members can share their experiences without judgement from others. That’s because you’re amongst people that share similar experiences to you, who understand what you’re going through and the challenges that often arise when trying to access support for those you support and care for.

In addition to being a place to receive mutual peer support, and encouragement, the groups can offer further information and signposting to services that may be able to offer further support to you in your caring role, and the person you support or care for.

If you would be interested in being involved with such a group or would like to see a group for carers running in Salisbury or any of the surrounding areas, then please contact the Southwest Community Group Development Officer, Dominique Toyra, on the contact details above.