The Sharing Space

Open to: Carers


We meet fortnightly on Fridays between midday and 3pm

This peer support group is for family members or others affected by the serious mental illness of someone close to them. Those with a leading role in the group are all peer volunteers whose aim is to hold a safe space for people to come together in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Being outside together while working on and tending to an allotment can hopefully alleviate stress and there is also a shed where members can meet to create and share artwork, with the added bonus of a pleasant outside seating area. The group will signpost information where possible but mainly endeavour to offer a space where members can share experiences while doing something together, hence the name The Sharing Space.

The use of the allotment for the group has been generously made possible by the committee of the Falmouth & District Allotment and Garden Society. Public toilets are a short walk away but there are none on site. There is provision for making hot drinks in the shed, but members should bring their own refreshments or packed lunch. Gardening gloves are also a good shout!

Please email to find out directions and to ask further details – we are looking for members to come along on a regular basis and help keep the allotment ticking along – we look forward to seeing you soon!

The group is starting up again after a break on July 12th 2024, so please come along and help us make the allotment look beautiful again! We need you!