
06 2024

  • "When Christian became ill, it hit me like a ton of bricks" - Georgie's story

    Georgie, who lives with depression and anxiety, has been supporting her son through schizophrenia for nearly 35 years now. For Carers Week, she shares the impact stigma has had on her son’s life and offers helpful advice for carers in similar circumstances.

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  • “I had to fight for my mum” – Marianne's story

    Marianne’s mother has been in a severe depressive episode for the past two years, leading to a coma, major organ failure and admission to a care home. For Carers Week, she shares the impact ageist stigma had on her mum’s treatment and what it’s like to be a carer without external support.

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  • “This charity and outreach programme has been a life buoy” – Noriko’s story

    For Carers Week, Noriko shares her difficulty adjusting to life in the UK, especially when her son James became ill. With carers support from Rethink Mental Illness, Noriko feels heard and less alone.

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  • “One thing the C-PTSD narrative lacks is hope” – Ida’s story

    For PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Awareness Day, Ida powerfully captures her experience of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and how she manages it.

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  • Raising the Windrush flag: Celebrating a generation's immense contribution

    For Windrush Day (22 June), Rethink Mental Illness trustee, Garrick, discusses the immense contribution made to this country by the Windrush Generation and the implications of Home Office policies to a collective mental health.  

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  • “I finally have my spark back” – Cara’s story

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