North East Lincs Helpline (Lincsline)
Advice and helplines
Lincsline is an emotional support telephone helpline. We cover the N.E Lincolnshire area and support callers from 16 upwards.
We are open Monday to Friday 5pm-9am and on bank holidays we are open 24 hours a day.
We provide support to people who are in crisis due to their mental health. We also provide information on mental health issues, signposting and emotional support.
Calls to our number are free from landlines and mobile phones. Our number will not show on your bill.
Our number is - 0808 800 1010.
To ensure you are kept safe, if we think you or others are in danger, then we may have to tell someone about what you share with us.
If English is not your first language we can arrange to speak to you in your own language through an interpreter.
The service is totally confidential, you do not need to divulge your name or any personal data. In rare cases if you, or someone you tell us about, need urgent emergency help we will try to obtain enough information from you to pass on to emergency services.
You can give us anonymous feedback about our service by clicking on the following link and selecting 'Yorkshire and North East' and then 'North East Lincs Helpline'. It takes less than 2 minutes by clicking here