Rethink Durham BPD Friends and Family Support Group

Open to: Carers

Woodham Village Comunity Centre
St Elizabeth's Close
Newton Aycliffe
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(M) 07930 158724 (Pam)

Last updated: 03/09/2021

We meet on the first Thursday of the month, from 6.30pm until 8.30pm. Please call for more details.

Group Coordinator: Pam Elliott

Our Durham BPD Friends and Family support group has been running since 2013 and offers anyone that cares or supports someone with borderline personality disorder the chance to come together. Our friendly group meets once a month and offers a safe space for people to share their experiences freely and without judgement. We provide information, share knowledge, skills and discuss practices for looking after ourselves, as well as offering support and encouragement to one and another. New members are always welcome.
