
04 2023

  • The Hewitt Review: What does it mean for people severely affected by mental illness and what’s next?

    When people can get the support they need, whether it’s a talking therapy, housing support or speaking to a peer, their recovery journey is smoother and their quality of life improves.

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  • "I’m now having more good days than bad" - Rosie's story

    In this blog, Rosie explores her experience with borderline personality disorder in relation to a big life-changing event that took place for her recently: the end of her marriage. Despite going through waves of intense emotion, Rosie is rebuilding her life back up, with this year’s Good Friday marking her inspiring recovery.

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  • What Ramadan means to me

    Hinda works in our Community Services team here at Rethink Mental Illness. In this blog, she tells us about the holy month of Ramadan, what it means to her, and outlines some tips for you to take onboard if you are supporting colleagues who are fasting this month.

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  • "I woke up to voices inside my head" - Andrew's story

    Andrew first started hearing voices whilst studying to become a doctor at medical school. Although his psychotic experiences were difficult to understand and control, Andrew is now able to keep himself well by reading spiritual teachings and engaging in Sahaja Yoga and meditation.

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  • "Keep aiming for focus and balance" - Nigel's story

    Nigel reflects on his growth and new-found perspective since the last time he wrote for Rethink Mental Illness in 2005. He notes that writing, talking and finding faith in God has really helped him to recover from bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder.

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  • "I woke up feeling a dark cloud over me" - Sandeep's story

    Sandeep tells us about her journey to being diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and how she had tried to take her own life in 2014. Since, Sandeep has become a Lived Experience Mental Health Advocate and shares her story to help others.

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