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Harrow Community Mental Health Service - The Bridge

Community support

The Bridge
Christchurch Avenue
View on map

Monday - Friday :
9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday - Sunday :

About our service

Update 26 June 2024:

Our current contract is coming to a natural end on the 31st of July 2024; our commissioning partners, Harrow Council, have developed a transformation plan that includes a borough-based outreach model, removal of referral requirements, and a focus on wellbeing and prevention. Harrow Council will look to work on this transition and invite tenders for the new look service in September.

To support our service users during this transition, Rethink will ensure a smooth changeover. Meetings have been scheduled to address any questions on July 5th (Microsoft Teams, please contact us for a link) and July 9th (Face to Face at the Bridge).

 We extend our gratitude to all staff and volunteers for their dedication over the past five years. Your hard work has been crucial in supporting residents with their mental health. 

Our Harrow Community Mental Health Service offers a safe place for people in Harrow, aged 18+ experiencing mental illness, where you can receive support with your mental health and well-being and your recovery journey  We offer one to one support and a range of therapeutic groups.

We meet at various Mental Health ‘Hubs’ around Harrow, and work collaboratively with other mental health services towards an integrated multi-agency approach for the benefit of people who use our service.    

We offer structured support based around a Recovery Plan, using a range of interventions including one to one recovery focused support sessions, and a number of therapeutic groups. All support is targeted at building greater independence and working towards recovery plan goals. 

Our one 2 one support can support you for between 3-6 months, with regular recovery plan reviews. People can be referred back in on a case by case basis for new goals, or for an existing goal if their situation has deteriorated.

We also offer two ‘drop in’ support sessions per week, for anybody with concerns about mental health and who may need more information, advice and guidance on what mental health services are available across Harrow and how to access them.

We also have a range of peer led group activities on offer which you can read more about below.

If you need a translator or interpreter in order to access our service then please get in touch with us to discuss your needs.

You can download a copy of our recent issue of our newsletter here

How to refer and access support

Referrals should ideally be made by a GP or other professional already working with/supporting you, and should preferably be made direct to the following e mail address - harrowcommunity@rethink.org .

You can also call us for an initial phone call for a discussion on 0208 427 7669 or 07467 712 235

You can download our referral form and publicity materials here


What support do we offer?

One to One support

Working with a dedicated Mental Health Recovery Worker, you will receive support to work towards your recovery goals on a detailed and structured Recovery Plan, to build confidence and greater independence, so you can progress with your life in the way you want and achieve your potential.

Group Work

We offer a number of recovery focused therapeutic groups such as cognitive behavioural therapy support groups, music therapy, meditation/mindfulness and physical exercise groups with a qualified gym instructor.

Drop In Service

Anyone can attend these drop-ins at any time so they are accessible to everyone. We run two drop in sessions a week.

Staff Support Drop In - Drop in and access support from staff to ask for help to access other service, to initiate re-referral to the Bridge or to understand correspondence e.g. benefits letters. The drop-in to access 121 support from staff is on Thursday’s from 2pm-4pm.

Peer and Networking Drop-in - Drop in to come together to access peer support and network with others by being able to come to the Bridge during a set time period on a particular day. This group drop-in is on Fridays 10.00-11.30am. This drop in session should give people a place where they can come and be with
others in a safe environment to help reduce social isolation.

Outreach support

Outreach support is support delivered by Mental Health Recovery workers externally across the community of Harrow, supporting clients in their homes, and with any housing/accommodation issues, welfare benefit issues and referrals to any other necessary social services to enable clients to live more independently, and manage their mental health more effectively. 

Peer/Volunteer Led Support Groups

We also have a number of Peer/Volunteer led support groups including Music Therapy, Family and Friends/Carers groups. Peer Led Groups which will grow and develop over time so that more peer led groups are available - these can be accessed by anyone at any time.  


What do you think of us?

Friends & Family Test

We really value the feedback of people who come into contact with our service.

You can visit this link to complete one quick question anonymously to let us know your views.

Select “London” from the Region drop down box and then select 'The Bridge – Harrow’ to enter your feedback.

Alternatively you can give us feedback by

  • calling us on 07467712235
  • emailing us at harrowcommunity@rethink.org
  • speaking to one of our team in a group or 121 support session
  • making a complaint on our website here

